Our first photos of our sweet little baby. The ultrasound went great.
Joe and I were pretty nervous and glad when this was over and
everything was fine. We never had a 20wk US with Abby so never
saw such clear images of all the baby's parts! It was awesome to say
the least. My eyes were "leaky" for most of the scan. I just felt so
lucky and seriously amazed to be looking at that screen. The baby
was moving around quite a bit, Abby even got to see the baby open and
close it's hand. So Cool! We didn't find out if we are having a boy or girl,
much harder to do when you actually have a choice- I prefer to not have to decide
for sure. When the US tech was done I asked her so now you know if we
are having a boy or girl? Not fair, why don't you just tell me!! but she
wouldn't, said to call her in a couple days if I really changed my mind. :)
Then we got to hang with the Yates' in Seattle doing the last Flower and Garden show, the aquarium, a super yummy pizza place called Piecora's, and a hotel pool. So nice.