Monday, July 7, 2008

So much to say... so little time....

What an amazing week!! Will post pictures soon, too tired to function at the moment. Horray for a week of Asha's family visiting, for late nights, no sleep, cousin time, laughing, surfing, Joe's 40th birthday and more swimming..... for best friends, for all night driving to get here for the party... for phone calls... for homemade icecream and red velvet cake..... for lots and lots of hugs.... for goats... for walks and hikes... for the sunshine and even a thunderstorm... for fires on the beach... and for love... we are so fortunate.


Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

Happy Belated Bday Jpe!! Hope you a great one!
Miss you!
The Watson fam!

Seattlemom said...

PHOTOS! Must. See. Photos. :)